
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Appropriately Titled Television Programming

Let me just preface this by saying that I don't actually know this woman, per se, but we have a mutual Facebook friend and that's good enough for me to play the "I'm Friends With a Swedish Celeb" card again.  This is Linda, a friend of The Swede's sister, and I am watching her get berated for an hour on national television.  She, apparently voluntarily, brought Arga Snickaren, The Angry Carpenter, into her disaster of a home to tell her that she's a bad parent for raising children in these shady conditions and then fix the place up, all while making her cry more than she ever has in her entire life.  I may not understand a lot of the language, but I majored in acting so I'm an bona fide expert on intonation and trust, that carpenter is ANGRY. 

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