
Friday, October 9, 2009

High Demands on Swedish Postal Workers

"No thanks, no advertising, but I like the Ikea catalogue."  Brilliant!  Although I must say the last part goes without saying.  Did H. Wahlberg forget where he lived for a moment?  Our little mailbox label just says "no advertising" and we still get the Ikea catalogue because it's not an ad, it's literature.  But how ingenious of the Swedes to save themselves the trouble of throwing out their unwanted mail!  Who wouldn't love this option?  Hard working Americans, that's who.  In America we sort through our own outrageously abundant junk mail, by God!


  1. haha. we have the same in France; "no publicity". But often the local sushi guy just can't contain himself. perhaps he forgets he puts it in the same boxes once a month?!

  2. How funny! Maybe he doesn't speak French? Sushi would be in the same catagory as Ikea for me, though... I'd be willing to take the advertisment.

  3. i'm thinking he's just SUPER french and can't be told what to do; it's his natural-born right to deliver the mail! i wish i could at least get something that changed season to season! if you want the IKEA catalogue delivered here you have to order & and buy it online! :( such cheap-o's!
