
Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Got It From My Mama

Remember how yesterday I said it felt like Christmas?  Well, I was right on the money.  And you know how I inherited oodles of charm and intelligence from my mom?  Well, I also got pumpkin spice cappuccino mix, multiple dessert mixes - including PINK FUNFETTI FROSTING!!! for my forthcoming birthday cake - taco fixins and a lifetime supply of Splenda.  And that's just the food!  I'll move on to the rest in a moment, but first please take a gander at what she wrote on the Ortega Dinner Kit:  "Just Add Oxen".  See, I told her that oxfilé seemed to be the dominant red meat here, which I thought was pretty silly since I didn't have the impression that oxen were especially rampant around here.  But get this:  an ox, aside from having the distinction of being the only animal that can play tic-tac-toe, is just a cow with a job.  Who knew?  You, now.  Thank goodness you read this blog.  Anyhow, Mommy also sent a load of other treats home with The Swede - things that are either hard to come by or really expensive here.  That's right, I'm talking to you, $8 shaving foam.  He was charged an extra $50 by the airline to haul the extra weight, but The Swede came home to a kid in a candy shop. 

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