
Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Weekend 2016

We've spent the past several Easters at the cabin, but this year The Swede and Papa Swede planned a five-day-long fishing trip up north, so everyone else ended up going their separate ways. I was still looking forward to a long, long weekend, with a few fun things planned, but mostly just relaxing at home. It turned out even better than I'd hoped.
We were invited to Gurra and Gunilla's, along with Mama Swede, for their family party on Friday afternoon. It was lovely and we ended up heading home with arms full of Easter eggs, vehicle magazines, and even a really beautiful photography book all about aircrafts that Jamie and I fell in love with during the evening and Gurra generously let us keep. More candy came our way on Saturday when the Easter bunny left a couple of eggs for Jamie and Axel in the woods near our house. It was a beautiful day so we played outside until Axel's grandparents arrived for their holiday celebration and Jamie and I headed to the mall to get some new pants for his ridiculously-fast-growing legs.
On Sunday it was time for our celebration! Erin, Svante and the kids came over and we had ham, cheesy potatoes, deviled eggs, asparagus, and pickled herring made by Ingvor and Roland for good measure. And then, of course, we had another Easter egg hunt, this time at the playground at Jamie's school, but it was so windy that we headed home right after to open them up. We sprung ahead an hour on Saturday night, so the Johanssons could stay for a good long while without it getting dark and the kids noticing how tired they were.  
And then, today, it was spring! I mean, it was fifty-four degrees Fahrenheit, and the sun was really shining on our yard so we were outside soaking it up all day long. Now, back to reality tomorrow, but hopefully a continued warmer reality, and one with more of The Swede.

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