
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hangout For The Modern Family

I am so excited for Sarianne right now, guys! She and her friend Aja, who I met at Sarianne's last party and who is a doll, started a lifestyle website totally from scratch. It's called Womsa, a combination of the word woman and their initials. They've been working hard for months getting the concept together, recruiting bloggers, working with web designers, and surely lots more that I can't even imagine to get the website off the ground. Even yours truly got to play a small part by designing the blog header and logo, which was so much fun and so different than the design projects I usually do at work. Sarianne is giving up a lucrative role as a top blogger on another portal for this passion project and I'm so impressed by her bravery and drive. This site is in Swedish and it's not quite finished yet, but check it out and I'm sure you'll get an impression of how much they've put into it. Oh! And they have a Facebook page and an Instagram account, too, so be sure to follow them there. Then keep checking back at because I'm positive it's going to be totally amazing and will for sure be one of my favorites.

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