
Monday, June 20, 2016

Early Bird

Way back this winter, I started setting my alarm for five a.m. I'd hit snooze, then nine minutes later I'd wake up, take a shower and get ready for the day and then, with almost an hour to spare before I had to wake my family up, I'd drink a cup of coffee and watch an episode of Mad Men. I was re-watching the whole series at the time (a pursuit I strongly recommend and, in fact, regularly consider taking on yet again), but when I finished that endeavor I continued getting up shortly after five and came to enjoy having that time to myself. Also, I told myself that when it got warmer and light enough in the morning, I'd be so used to getting up that early that taking a walk first thing wouldn't be a problem. And I was kinda right! It by no means happens every day and it's been raining a lot lately, but I have been taking some morning walks and today I actually even looked forward to it. I mean, how could you not when you've got views like these? 

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