
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What It Feels Like

You guys, it is SO summer here! It's shave-your-legs-every-day weather, sticky-SPF'ed-little-boy weather, ice-cream-at-the-harbor-after-work weather, kid-won't-go-to-bed-cause-it's-still-light-out weather. Birds-singing-too-loud-to-open-the-window-at-night-but-it's-too-hot-to-close-it weather, watermelon-every-meal weather. GOTTA-BE-OUTSIDE weather. Spontaneous-plans weather, early-morning-walk weather, cold-glass-'o-white weather. The smell of a garden hose, the constant sound of kids playing, the faint feeling of disbelief that we finally made it here, the stirring in your chest - this is just the beginning! - and the hope that it will be like this the whole time. Hopeful weather.

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