
Saturday, December 10, 2016


Here's a bit of what we've been up to around here lately. Last Friday, we had our company Christmas party and my colleague Emelie and I decided to plan a bunch of little events throughout the day leading up to the party in the evening. Here we are preparing goody bags with candy and notes about how much we appreciate each of our coworkers. Our activities were a hit and we had an awesome time out that night. The Swede was on a fishing trip, and was missed both at the party and at home, but it was still one of the highlights of the work year.
December is my favorite month as a parent, mostly because it is incredibly easy to wake Jamie up for school in the morning. Every day leading up to Christmas Eve, he gets a small gift from Farmor and this year the theme has been Pokémon. He's gotten dozens of (apparently) exclusive cards and little figurines, all of which he's been very excited about. The best so far, though, has been an analog Batman watch that he somehow actually knows how to read. He's been announcing the time every half hour since he got it on Friday morning.
Last weekend, Erin and the boys came over to play and they each decorated a sugar cookie. It was a bit of an aesthetic disaster, but they tasted very good.
I baked about three dozen and decorated the rest later in the week and we just ate the last one a few minutes ago. Good thing I froze another whole batch of dough!

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