
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Swedes north and south, east and west are walking around this country like it's okay that there isn't any authentic Mexican food.  Let me be direct:  it is not.  It is highly displeasing.  There is, however, Taco Bar, which is delightful fast food and can be found in at least two locations in greater Stockholm, one of which is in reasonable walking distance of my home.  But this is it.  I did extensive research on the matter and there is not even one authentic Mexican restaurant in the entire nation.  Even more unacceptable, I'm sure, is how much I talk about this subject.  Surely The Swede will poke out his eyes when he sees that I'm bringing it up again, and on the internet no less.  Alright, now that it's out there I'll lay this case to rest.  Now we can all concentrate on my other favorite topic:  my hair.     

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Mexican food and your hair. It's as though we were sitting in Sasson's class all over again...
