
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Frisking the Pig

As I passed the bakery in downtown Sundbyberg the other day, something new caught my eye, just to the left of the AIK CAKE, Y'ALL!!!  They were marzipan julgris, or Christmas pigs to you.  I'm skeptical of dairy.  Anything too creamy or sweet turns me off big time.  I'm decidedly hesitant about the blodpudding sitting in our fridge right now (stay tuned for a post on the day The Swede finally forces it down my throat).  But nothing is so chancy as marzipan, folks.  No other food I can think of right now screams, "Someone had their filthy paws all over me!" like marzipan.  You'd be hard-pressed to get a marzipan pig that some random baker has been fondling all day into this girl's mouth, so don't even bother trying.

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