
Monday, December 14, 2009

Miniature People

This afternoon I travelled south with The Swede's parents to see Sarianne's daughter Julia in her daycare's Santa Lucia pageant.  When we got there, Elin wanted to show me Julia's new bed - purchased at Ikea yesterday, I understand - and they went so far as to give me a demo.  I wish my sister loved cuddling as much as these two do, but whatever.  Life goes on. 

At the daycare, there were maybe seven toddlers and fifty adults.  And those children didn't sing a note.  Not.  A.  Note.  Nevermind, though, because just sitting there they were the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Teeny tiny Lucias and pepparkakor and Santas.  They were just like real people in costumes... only smaller.

1 comment:

  1. See here is the problem you forget Mara, when we were that little you were too busy terrorizing me or making up fantastic stories about our Cabbage Patch Kids being adult film stars to really cuddle, and ya know what?! Im a cuddly girl! :)
