
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Apologies

Regarding yesterday's post, I believe I owe my dear readers an explanation after receiving some critical feedback.  Yes, apparently the constant reinforcement of her preference for Sarianne's blog isn't painful enough, because my mom pointed out that I'm not as hilarious as I think I am.  Irony and the written word, in the wise words of Cher from Clueless, "don't mesh well".  I thought it was obvious that I was trying to be funny about the luxurious life of babies, but I guess it came across as actual contempt.  I am so, so sorry for that because I actually love babies and aspire to have my own some day and cater to their every need and desire.  Dylan in particular is a smiley, adorable sweetheart with a normal-sized head and I treasure him and his family and hope they understood my word play. 

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