
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This Seems to Be My Destiny

I spent the day at the office with The Swede because some of the walls needed to be repainted and, as we all know, I am a master of the trade.  Or at least it seems like I must be by now because I've spent more time painting than any other activity since I've been here besides, you know, being the world's best girlfriend.  We painted all day, with only a 45 minute lunch break.  The lenghty The Ellen Degeneres Show and Seventh Heaven breaks that characterized my autumnal apartment painting were conspicuously missing, I am sorry to say, and I have strained muscles by stretching all day that I didn't even know existed this morning.  P.S. My apologies if the photo is a little fuzzy.  The Swede played photographer today and this is the only shot that doesn't prominently feature my backside. 

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