
Friday, January 15, 2010

And It's PINK

In celebration of the weekend, I'm going to tell you about a phenomenon I've been meaning to mention for awhile now:  rosé .  Rosé is where it's at in Sweden right now.  I know people back home who would be genuinely offended by the fact that this most humble of wines is so popular.  Indeed, I have attended parties where I was told beforehand in no uncertain terms that rosé was expressly forbidden.  You know what, though?  Rosé is good and the Swedes know it.  There, I said it.  And you want to know something else?  Swedes don't mind wine in a box either, so stick that one in your pipe and smoke it.


  1. Of course it´s pink is the shit you know...welcome to the real thing!

  2. That one was especially for you, Sarianne. Feel free to borrow it for Life in Pink.
