
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday With Family

Papa Swede's birthday is next week so Sarianne and company drove up to celebrate with us city dwellers.  Sarianne, too, has a birthday coming up - a BIG one - and received this sweet Canon as an early present from her husband Magnus.  She's pretty much in love with it, not quite so much that she wouldn't let me touch it, but you'd better believe that I wore the strap and used two hands at all times.  You can see her work here.  It's not just for blogging, though.  Sarianne is, like, the Number One Online Salesperson in Sweden and requires a fancy camera for snapping and posting photos of her merchandise. 

At dinner time, the whole family, plus a couple of family friends, but minus Papa Swede who, ironically, couldn't attend because he had a work party, headed out.  We went to a restaurant called Golden Cave and almost everyone ordered the plankstek, which consisted of a couple of cuts of beef surrounded by mashed potatoes with grilled vegetables and bacon-wrapped asparagus cooked and served on a cedar plank.  It's very Swedish, I'm told, and very delicious.  Thanks, Mama Swede!!!

We stayed at Golden Cave for a long time since they don't rush you out to increase their table turn here like they do in American restaurants, and afterwards headed back home for a couple of cocktails and a some heavy iPhone discussions.

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