
Monday, January 4, 2010

Full of Surprises

Last night, as bedtime was drawing near, I remarked how dismayed I was that The Swede had to go back to work and end these luxurious couple of weeks of highly sporadic work and nigh constant chillaxing.  He agreed.  We went to bed and several hours later I awoke in a panic as it was light outside and it darn sure isn't light yet when The Swede gets up to go to work.  I alerted him to the situation and he responded in a rather nonchalant manner, in my opinion, by rolling over and going back to sleep.  Rationalizing that he must have the situation under control I too went back to sleep.  Hours later - HOURS, people - when we had gotten up and were well into our day, he dazzled me with the information that he took three vacation days this week and doesn't have to return to the office until Thursday!  Hoopla!  Moses Cleveland, Justin Bobby and I all appreciate the extra family time.

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