
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Current Events

Today feels like a good day to tell you about Text TV.  Swedish television has several channels way up in the 100-800's that provide breaking information on international and local news, weather, economics, sports, etc. and are apparently generated by MS DOS.  I'd never seen anything like it before I came here, and that's because there was some technological drama in the states between Closed Captioning and the teletext decoders and CC won.  Also, the internet came out so America was like, "whatever, Text TV, I'll just Google it."  The Swede uses it all the time, though, and today he happened to be on it.  You see, yesterday he got on a train in Gothenburg at 1:30 pm for a trip that should have taken three hours but because of a terrible snowstorm took SEVENTEEN HOURS.  Today on the Text TV news we learned that 2,500 people were stuck out in the wild overnight on several trains without food or water and The Swede's train specifically was mentioned in this article.  Yeah.  He's famous.  And yes, that's an R2-D2 figurine on our TV stand.  Try not to be too jealous.

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