
Monday, February 8, 2010

Everybody Had Better Just Step Aside When My Snowmobile Gets Out of the Shop

I'm getting used to being one-upped on the coolness scale by Swedes day in and day out, but this is just too much.  Here I am, strolling alongside the lake on my way to the immigration office (more on that later this week as I must return on a day when I am available to set up a tent the night before to get a good spot in line), thinking all along that I was doing an efficient job of getting where I was going, when this varmint glides by me on the lake with his cross-countries.  And then a woman on ice skates pushing a stroller across the lake cruises by at a million miles an hour like it ain't no thang.  Whatever.  We have an Audi.  I just chose not to drive it today. 

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