
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pitching In

The temperature has been in the 80's (that's the high 20's for my international peeps) since we arrived in Cleveland so Ray has been out in the yard working on one thing or another pretty much nonstop to get the garden up and running.  This morning I finally lifted a finger around here by helping to secure the fence so that the abounding wildlife don't eat Ray's tomatoes before he gets a chance to turn them into marinara.


  1. Is this the Sunday we will see you at Church??!!? I'm giddy with anticipation! :)

  2. Hi, Leslie! I'm afraid not, actually. The Swede and I are leaving on a roadtrip to Montana on Saturday morning. We'll be back in town for a few days in early June, though, so hopefully we'll be able to stop in then. Hope you're enjoying this amazing weather and I hope to see you soon!
