
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fun as Hell, One Might Say

Holy cow, was it hot today!  I would have been happy to stand in front of the open freezer door all day, but we had plans to meet the Segersten's at Gröna Lund and I'm glad we did because it was a blast.  But, as I said, it was hot.  It reminded me of this fantastic trip to the Cleveland zoo The Swede and I took with Mom and Ray on an incredibly hot day last summer, which was certainly fun but decidedly hellish at the same time.  Fast rides equal a nice breeze, though, and it was hilarious taking the rides with the kids.  Their enthusiasm and commentary kill me every time.
My bag of bones is getting a little old for the physical catastrophe that is the bumper cars, but The Swede is a real do-gooder.
This is a little more my speed.

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