
Monday, August 16, 2010

And Then We Did A Swish

It was the first day of school today!  All of the students, old and new, immigrants and Swedes alike, gathered for an assembly to kick off the new school year, followed by an all-school fika.  It was just like the old days, before college or even high school, when everyone came back excited, tan, full of stories from their summer vacations, and curious which grade each other was in now.  And there was mucho hugging going on.  It was great to see everyone again, especially Nastja, whose summer travels fell opposite mine in such a way that I haven't seen her since April.  I thought I was going to be the only nerd who was super pumped for classes to begin again but I must say the student body in general seemed lively and eager.  Which is exactly the way it should be on the first day of school.

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