
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fat Day Prep

Back when I worked for our company's corporate headquarters in Cleveland, my department used to have what we called "Fat Days".  These were often-themed, potluck-style smörgåsbords of whatever each participant's specialty was that we would graze on throughout an entire business day.  Whilst being productive as ever, natch.  So, as I wanted to bring something to the table at my new office, something besides my terrible Swedish and even worse jokes, I decided that a tailgate-themed fat day would be just the team-building ticket.  (Geez, can I find more ways to use a hyphen in this post?  Annoying!)  So I sent out an email, posted a sign-up (there it is) sheet at my desk and advised that The Swede and I would bring the chili.  Thing is, I can't really make chili.  At least, I've never tried and I'm pretty sure feeding a group of people that you have to hang out with for upwards of 40 hours a week isn't the place to start.  So canned it is.  Felix makes quite a nice chili, so I'm confident that it will get the job done.  If it doesn't they will hopefully be lulled into satisfaction by the Rice Krispies Treats® Effect.

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