
Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Night Idol Hang

I didn't watch American Idol when I lived in the States so I never really understood why everyone would get so worked up about their favorites, and I guess there wasn't anybody who really lit my fire last season of Swedish Idol because the strength of the devotion I feel toward this girl, Elin Blom, this season has been thoroughly surprising.  Part of it is that she's only 16 years old.  Part of it is her endearing inability to pronounce the "th" sound (Swedes aren't awesome at it, but her first language is Finnish and it is apparently even harder for them.  Not that I'm judging.  I guarantee she speaks fluent English so she's two languages up on me.).  And part of it is that she's just fascinating to look at.  She obviously looks like a star and I think she's quite beautiful, but it's her teeth that really get me.  I'm a teeth girl.  It's like God mixed up her canines and her incisors and it's one of the most interesting set of choppers I've ever seen.  Oh, and she can sing.  If she gets voted off tonight I'll be ticked. 

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