
Monday, December 13, 2010

London Holiday

What kind of inconsiderate blogger am I, really?  Disappearing for four days, no warning, no explanation.  Shameful behavior, I know.  Can I make amends?  If I shared a ton of photos from the past weekend's trip to London, would that help?  Let's give it a go, shall we?
We flew in to Heathrow super late on Thursday night with Mama and Papa Swede and were picked up at the airport by The Swede's cousin Annemor, who we stayed with the whole weekend.  Okay, so it wasn't necessarily warm in London, but it was significantly nicer than in Stockholm.  The bush in front of Annemor's house was in bloom, for crying out loud! 
 I given this some thought and I've determined that British food is jacked.
 Of course we all broke out in a certain ABBA number when we reached Waterloo station.
 Too bad I was too full of fried pub food to accommodate any of this beautiful fruit.
 Big Tottenham fan at Tottenham Court Road.
 The holiday decorations at Selfridges were breathtaking.
 Annemor and The Swede look left, look right.
We did a lot of shopping.  As did many, many others.
Some of the stops on the shopping trips were extra fun. 

It was a grand time and we look forward to going back ASAP. 


  1. I know, I've been so bad lately... falling asleep right after dinner. I'll try to do better.
