
Friday, January 28, 2011

The American Dream

My apologies for dropping off the face of the blog for the past couple of days.  See, we've been busy.  We're going to be moving this spring so we had a photographer come in and take pictures of our apartment for the realtor.  This may not seem like a big deal, but it required weeks of preparation in the way of repairs, cleaning, packing and generally making our place look better for the next person than it has ever looked for us.  But it's all been worth it because today I became a homeowner for the first time when The Swede and I signed papers on our very own radhus with a terrace and a yard and a dishwasher and everything.  I wish I had pictures to show you right now, but the realtor already took down the listing online so I'm afraid you'll have to wait till we move in in April.  I can tell you this, though:  it's perfect


  1. so exciting! I cant wait to visit and sit on the terrace and use the dish washer!

  2. You really are living the American Sweden!!! Congrats to you both! SO exciting! <3
