
Sunday, March 6, 2011


Everybody knows that Swedish is a silly language.  One of the sillier features, in my opinion, is the interchangeable usage and pronunciation of the letters v and w.  I'm mystified as to why both are pronounced with the v sound in Swedish (why even have w in the alphabet in that case, am I right?) and never fail to get a chuckle when I hear Swedes pronouncing an English v-word with the w sound.  Wiking, for example, or wolleyball.  Womit is another of my favorites.  Their English is still significantly better than my Swedish, but c'mon, I can't just let it slide.  That wouldn't be very American.  Anyway, I've grown accustomed to this silliness over the past 19 months, but nothing prepared me for the name of the nail polish I purchased at H&M today.  It's called Wawawoom.  It took me a second to even figure out just what I was reading and when it hit me it literally took my breath away.  Because obviously wawawoom is a far superior word to vavavoom. 

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