
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week Twenty-Five

Look!  It's light enough to take a picture outside when we get home from work!  Yippee!  But, dudes. Ouch. My back is killing me.  It hurts so badly and so perpetually that I'm having trouble breathing.  Or maybe that's my lungs being squished because I do believe my passenger has grown up into my chest as far as possible and now only has the option to grow out.  Despite my mom thinking I look like I'm carrying a moose (totally not possible, though, since we didn't go past first base), I thought my bump was pretty reasonable for five months and some change.  Well, whatever it looks like, it feels majorly uncomfortable all of a sudden.  And it all started on Tuesday afternoon.  I was cruising right along until then and now it's backache city.  Good thing there are only three or so months left and it can't possibly get any worse.  Heh.  Excuse me while I go lie down.

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