
Monday, April 18, 2011


It's The Swede's birthday!  If there's one holiday I can get behind it's one that recognizes and celebrates this fine specimen of a man.  We decided we'd celebrate by inviting his folks over, along with Elin and Julia who are staying with their grandparents for spring break, and grilling out.  The previous owners had left behind a small charcoal grill that The Swede fired up in our front yard and cooked up some delicious hot dogs.  Then, when dinner was just about ready, Mama and Papa Swede pulled up with a birthday present:  The World's Biggest Grill.  It took The Swede and his pops over an hour to put together and it's too dark now to photograph the final product, but let me assure you this picture of the contruction-in-progress does not do this beast justice.  It's downright industrial.  So you're all invited over for burgers and dogs.  I guarantee we can accomodate you, if not in seating, certainly in cooking surface.

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