
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Trysil Ski Weekend

We've just arrived home from a long weekend in Trysil, Norway at our friends Jesper and Isa's family's ski cabin.  We headed out early from work on Thursday afternoon, the backseat of the car all packed up with blankets and pillows because there's nothing cozier to The Swede than a backseat full of blankets and pillows on a long roadtrip even if we never, ever use them or even notice that they're there.  Yeah, I just go along with it.  Since he's doing all the driving he gets his surroundings as cozy as he wants.
It was about a seven hour drive from Stockholm so we arrived late that evening, settled in and headed to bed almost straight away.  But first we had to admire Isa's perfect, eight-months-pregnant belly.  We were up early the next morning so that the guys could get as much time as possible on the slopes and after they bundled up and headed out, we ladies spent the rest of the day talking, reading and napping.  Isa also spent a lot of time cooking delicious food for us all. 
On Saturday, The Swede and Jesper headed out again, despite a lot of fog and some extra chilly weather.  When they were nearing the end of their skiing for the day, they called us so that we could come out and admire their skills.  It was the first time I'd ever seen my husband ski and admire his skills I did.  Even just standing there with all his equipment he was impressive. 
We spent that evening watching movies, playing couples Trivial Pursuit, followed by totally winning at couples Trivial Pursuit, eating junk food and generally taking it majorly easy.  This morning we cleaned up the cabin, packed up the cars and headed for home.  The Dalahäst factory was on the way, so we planned to pop in there and get our whittle on, but sadly it's closed on Sundays.  Obviously that didn't stop us from indulging in a little photoshoot with my favorite animal.  It was my kind of weekend, for sure, spent with a great couple and, yet, it's just as nice to be home again.

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