
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week Twenty-Seven

My apologies for the coif.  The beginning of tornado season and the third trimester are apparently syncronized.  That's right, depending on which website you believe, either this week or next week starts the final leg to babyland.  I'm going with this week because, even though the second trimester was good to me, I'm getting really excited to meet our baby and will take this opportunity to feel a little closer to that moment.  Meanwhile, a lot is going on in there.  Baby Swede's eyes are open now and he or she can experience light and darkness.  He or she can also hear what's going on in the outside world and recognize our voices so The Swede has been singing to my belly and playing songs from his iPhone with the word "baby" in the title.  It's a lot of fun having this kid inside me, actually, so I probably shouldn't wish it to go by any faster.  See you next week, in that case, at the beginning of the third trimester. 

1 comment:

  1. Please include Justin Bieber's "Baby" song in the in utero mix. Thank you.
