
Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm Going To Take Away His Gameboy Next

My spouse and I made a bit of an error today.  It was a nice day, The Swede was out in the yard clipping dead branches from our hedges, and it seemed like it wouldn't be such a bad idea to let Nelson come out and sniff around a bit.  We've let him out for a couple of minutes a few times since we've lived here, so we knew he wouldn't stray too far from the yard and even if he did he's ridiculously easy to catch.  So little Nelsi wandered around for twenty minutes or so, ate some nutritious, delicious grass and then we brought him inside when The Swede was done with the yard work.  Cue the four hour meowing session.  Oh yeah, Nelson was ticked to be back inside and let us know it by wailing non-stop for the rest of the afternoon.  Granted, it was our own fault for giving him that taste of freedom, but I think he may have just lost his outdoor priviledges with that behavior. 

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