
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Meet The Sleep Sheep

After Baby Swede arrives, I imagine we will discover that there are certain things we've purchased for it that he or she will either love or hate.  There will surely be items that will become superfluous when we find that the baby has no interest or it doesn't accomplish what it's supposed to.  This will not be one of them.  The Sleep Sheep has a secret:  a box inside with a sound machine on a timer.  It has four different, soothing sound settings including rainstorm and babbling brook to help your baby fall asleep and it gets stellar ratings on  And from me.  See, after I moved to Sweden I found it really difficult to fall asleep because it is so quiet here and I had become used to the traffic right outside my apartment in Nashville and the Mob Hits that were constantly blasted from the restaurants and art galleries that were my neighbors in Little Italy, Cleveland.  So we've had a small fan in our bedroom here, which runs all night and is a bit of a nuisance because it dries out the ol' sinuses big time.  But I really and truly need some sort of noise to fall asleep, so the Sleep Sheep is getting a little training in before its real boss arrives.  Even The Swede likes it, though he did say that it was a shame it didn't have a gunshots and police sirens setting since I miss the sounds of America so much.

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