
Friday, June 3, 2011

Ascension Day Seamstress

Sweden is a glorious country.  Take this, for example: all businesses closed yesterday for the Feast of the Ascension which meant that we not only got that day off of work, we got the preceding afternoon off.  Sure, we had to work today, but there was hardly anything to do because most everybody took a vacation day on Friday.  So after nearly two days off, today feels like a Monday but, of course, it's actually a Friday and GET THIS: it's the Friday before a three-day weekend because Monday is Sweden's national day.  Are you feeling me on this, people?  Glam, right?  Not nearly as glam as the year of maternity leave I have coming up in a few weeks, but pretty awesome nonetheless.  At any rate, The Swede spent his Ascension day golfing with a couple of buddies up in Uppsala and I spent the day making curtains for the baby suite.  I borrowed Mama Swede's sewing machine and after a few minutes getting oriented I got right to it and even ended up making a couple of pillow cases.  It had been years since I have sewed anything, but I used to be pretty awesome at it back in Mrs. Northway's home-ec class if I do say so myself.  What I did yesterday was ridiculously simple, though, so mostly I'm just proud that I was able to figure out how to thread the bobbin on the unfamiliar machine. 

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