
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Team Swede

Well, I've been a mom for four days now and I don't want to jinx myself or anything, but I'm having a great time.  Sure, I'm not sleeping as much as before and there really isn't time to do anything except take care of Jamie (and blog a bit, obvs) but I'm enjoying it so much more than I expected.  Maybe I'm still hopped up on those childbirth hormones.  And surely the fact that he's the sweetest thing I've ever laid eyes on helps.  But the biggest thing making these first poopy, milk-drenched, sleepless days so pleasant is that my husband is amazing.  He's a grocery-shopping, laundry-folding, food- and beverage-serving machine.  I don't know how single moms do this and I am so, so appreciative that I have such a supportive man in my life.  If Jamie has made us a family like never before, The Swede has made us a team like never before.   


  1. Love the new twist on the blog...even if it makes me veeeeeery babysick.
