
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Trial By Fire

We just installed the car seat and I surely hope no one was watching because we probably looked like the two biggest fumbling, neurotic halfwits this side of the Atlantic.  Guys, they make it seem simple by color-coding elements and using distinct clicking sounds so that you know when things are properly in place, but then they also let you know a couple thousand times in the product literature that your baby's life is in danger if you mess up a single thing in the installation, so the pressure is really on.  After we were confident that the base was secure we practiced setting the carrier in it and taking it out (The Swede upped the ante by shouting out possible real-life scenarios: "The baby's screaming!  I'm in a panic because I have to go to the bathroom!") and I am here to tell you that it is impossible to do singlehandedly.  Needless to say, we are going to be a very tight-knit family who goes everywhere and does everything together.  Because that's what our car seat demands of us.

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