
Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Day In The Life

The Swede went back to work on Monday so little Jamie and I are working on getting into a weekday routine together and I have to say, so far so good.  Jamie, like his mommy, loves to sleep in.  That is, he continues his two hours sleeping, break to eat, two more hours sleeping, etc. schedule until I feel like getting out of bed.  Which is shamefully late these days, I admit.  Once I do feel like getting on with the day I feed and diaper him so that he's satiated while I take a shower, tidy up the house and check Facie and emails.  He sits in his vibrating chair or works out in the baby gym just outside the bathroom door while I get ready and usually doesn't start screaming until I have a really nice, thick shampoo lather going on.  Timing is everything to those babies, isn't it?  Sometimes I get to eat lunch, sometimes I don't, because Jamie's exorbitant nutritional needs trump mine.  I never scream when I'm hungry, he always does.  In the afternoon we've been taking a nap together during Toddlers & Tiaras, which is challenging because I don't really want to take my eyes off of it, but you know what they say: sleep while the baby sleeps.  I usually manage to take some pictures and blog and do some laundry in the afternoon and today we even took a walk around the neighborhood.  And before we know it The Swede is home to take over the cuddling.

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