
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hiya, dudes!  Just a couple of things I wanted to mention today: 

First, I've finally gotten around to writing Jamie's birth story and since I know that sort of thing isn't everyone's cup of tea, I've added it as a tab at the top of the page.  I tried not to share a ton of TMI and some may argue that the whole thing is TMI, but I really enjoyed reading other peoples' birth stories while I was pregnant and I've had a few people ask about the story, so there it is if you're interested. 

Next, I wanted to explain Jamie's name.  As for Jamie, we had more or less decided that it was our boy name of choice before we even got pregnant.  I'm not sure exactly why we liked it so much, but for me at least it had only nice associations, I'd never known a male Jamie in real life and I'm a big fan of androgynous names so it seemed like a perfect fit.  We discussed other first names, especially old Swedish names that I loved but that everybody here made fun of me for (Kjell, Bengt, Bo) but nothing ever felt as right as Jamie did.  There was never, however, much discussion of his middle names.  I knew I wanted my son to have the middle name Robert, after my mom's father, because he has meant so much to me, especially as an adult.  Reinhold was The Swede's great-grandfather and is one of The Swede and Papa Swede's middle names, so it has a long family history.  I love that we're honoring The Swede's family tradition and one of the most important men in my life through our baby's name.

And last, I don't seem to be able to comment on my own blog!  I'd like to blame it on the website, but I'm pretty positive it has something to do with my lack of technical savvy.  At any rate, until I get it together, please know how appreciative I am of all the wonderful comments.  You guys are the best!   

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