
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not Quite As Fun As Lemonade, Though

I can't believe I haven't written about saft yet because it is SO Swedish.  Saft is a liquid juice concentrate that is added to water to make a beverage that can most closely be described as Kool-Aid.  It's totally not Kool-Aid, though, and it's definitely not like the frozen juice concentrate you get in the States and it's not even a syrup per se.  It really is like nothing I've ever seen before coming to Sweden.  Saft is also outstanding as it has been stuck with the worst translation I've ever heard: lemonade.  That's right.  There is an entire country of people walking around thinking that lemonade is saft.  Which means, of course, that they have no idea what lemonade is.  Can you imagine?  So I'm taking it upon myself to at least rock my Swede's world.  Just as soon as Jamie gives me a few minutes to hand-squeeze these beauts that I picked up from the fruit stand today.  I'll let you know how it goes.

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