
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heaven In A Bottle

Last week at Kista Galleria I got super thirsty so I took a swing by the juice bar.  I was so thirsty, in fact, that I didn't even really make a decision about what I was going to drink, I just pointed at the first thing I saw and passed my kronor over the counter.  And boy, did I get lucky because what I got just happened to be the most delicious non-coffee beverage ever to cross my lips.  My enjoyment was short-lived, though, as I soon realized that I had never, ever seen Sanpellegrino Aranciata Rossa in a store or restaurant before.  "Oh, grrrrrreat," I thought, "I've just discovered beverage nirvana outside of Starbucks and I'm never going to find it again."  But guess what?  They have it at a coffee shop right in my very own neighborhood!  Hot dog!

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