
Friday, December 16, 2011

Joy Indeed

I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I know there are a couple of things I'm good at.  Decorating sugar cookies is not one of them.  The problem yesterday wasn't the frosting.  It was yours truly.  I decorated cookies/comforted a sleepy, cranky baby for, literally, hours today and these three mediocre rascals were the only ones out of a batch of TWO DOZEN that are worth mentioning.  The rest look like the were decorated by toddlers.  Toddlers with sub-par fine motor skills.  You can probably guess that the "joy" cookie was one of the first since that was the last thing I was feeling at the end of the ordeal.  I'd set the whole bunch of them on fire if they didn't taste so darn good.

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