
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Me, Myself & i-MiEV

Dudes.  Humor me.  Put on your imagination hat for a moment or two and picture me rolling around Sweden in this Mitsubishi i-MiEV.  Imagine that I'd walk out my front door every morning for a week, unplug my wheels like a real environmentally-aware Swede, strap ol' Jamie boy in his car seat and just cruise the streets all day long.  Not because I love cruising necessarily but because (brace yourselves) it would say "DAILYDAMARA.BLOGSPOT.COM" on the side.  Yeah.  Thanks to a contest sponsored by this little lady, the founder of the organization who hosted Saturday's blog event, I'm entered to win the i-MiEV with my blog address slapped on it for a week this spring.  Perfect reward for all my hard work vis á vis my drivers license, eh?  But really, I didn't enter the contest for me, I did it for YOU.  See, this kind of advertising is going to draw a lot of traffic to my blog and how much of a trendsetter are going to feel like knowing that you were one of the first?  One of the few, the proud, who followed Daily Damara when she was a nobody?  See what I'm saying?  Now cross your fingers. 

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