
Saturday, March 17, 2012

This Just In

I think I've mentioned before that some of the stories that make the papers here border on ridiculous, but this takes the cake.  "The cloud became a horse," reads the headline.  The "story" takes up nearly an entire page.  Most absurd of all, though, is the quote from the photographer: "It was just there for a moment.  After a minute the cloud had changed into something totally different."  Ah, DUH!  Geeze, I'm actually getting a little ticked off as I sit here writing about it.  And, hello, please say it's not just me who thinks it doesn't even look that much like a horse!


  1. Okay - I'm with you! This is ridiculous! (although I have to admit it does kinda look like a horse...)

    1. Yeah, okay, it does. But to be newsworthy I need to see a body and some legs too.
