
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Daily Jamie

Here is an eighteen-month-old who has learned to be suspicious of his mom's cooking. They don't eat beans and weenies at school, you know. School, incidentally is The Best. Every morning when I drop him off he just runs in, kisses and hugs a couple friends, waves good-bye, and starts playing. He learns new things there every day and is always impressing us with his skills in the evening before bed. Whether it's new dance moves, gestures, or Swedish words, we're beside ourselves. He loves music and has favorite songs that he can't listen to without getting up on his feet, swinging his arms, and hopping around. He loves animals and can tell you what sound half a dozen farm animals make and loves cuddling with his stuffed animal friends. This kid has awesome balance and has just learned to walk up the stairs himself, big boy style. He kicks and throws balls with incredible accuracy and makes his animal toys gallop across the table, tells me which books he wants to read and then pats his seat so that I'll sit down next to him. He and his papa love splashing around in the tub and, indeed, splashing of any kind is appreciated by this guy. From the moment he wakes up and starts babbling and jumping up and down in his crib to the little wave he gives us when we say good-night, he is making us laugh. He has come so far since last year and is somehow a million times more the best thing that has ever happened to us. 

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