
Thursday, July 30, 2015

The End Of The Road

Oh, jeez, it seems so long ago now, but here are some photos from another stop on our road-trip last week. After the beach, we drove south to Helsingborg, partly because we knew we could take the ferry from there to Denmark, but mostly because AIK was playing there and The Swede is, as you well know, a big football fan. 
Jambo (for the time being, anyway) and I are not as loyal to the team, however, and spent the afternoon exploring the city. It was actually perfect because Jamie's curiosity led us to some pretty incredible places. We climbed the staircase up to the rooftop of the medieval castle above, for example, and enjoyed 360 degree views of the city, the port, and Denmark, just across the water.
We explored a beautiful botanical garden, climbed trees in a park, and played for a good long while on the steps leading to the castle. On our way back to the car, we spotted a toy museum and HAD to peek in there. We only had twenty minutes before it closed, but could have stayed all day.  
AIK lost the match, but The Swede had cheered up by the next morning so we hopped on a ferry and took the fifteen-minute trip to Helsingør, Denmark. It was pretty much exactly like Sweden except they were speaking the weirdest language, you guys. Oh, and Sweden was just, you know, generally a little bit better. 

We didn't stay long, not even long enough to enjoy a red hot dog. Instead, we got back on the road and headed to Astrid Lindgrens värld to meet Pippi and Emil and all of the other beloved characters from Swedish children's literature, where I unfortunately did not take any good pictures. And now you're all caught up! I'm back at work this week and The Swede and Jamie get back to the grind on Monday. I can't remember the last time I saw the sun, we have nothing on the calendar till - what can it be - Christmas?!?, and it honestly feels like summer never even happened. Meanwhile The Swede is pumped. Ice fishing season is just around the corner! 

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