
Friday, February 26, 2016

Cousin Hang

Elin and Julia are on their winter sport break and have spent this week with Mama and Papa Swede. Jamie doesn't have this break yet, only being in preschool, but I wonder if we're going to be able to get away with unloading him on my in-laws for extended periods since we only live three minutes away. At any rate, I wanted Jambo to get to spend some time with the girls and we also wanted to see Zootropolis (it's called Zootopia in the US, I think. I love this trailer but it's actually funnier in Swedish) so I took the afternoon off of work, picked up the kids, and headed to the mall. We did a little shopping first, as both of the girls had gotten some cash for their birthdays, then loaded up on snacks and slushies, and settled in at the theater. Approximately three-fourths of the way through the film, Jamie became terrified of one of the characters and asked me to take him out. The girls stayed and Julia subsequently gave a dizzying recount of the end of the picture, none of which I could follow. Afterwards, we did even more shopping, during which there was much deliberation over which Barbie was best, and had a cozy fika.

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