
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Little Bit Of Life Lately

Last week was a stressful one for The Swede, due to our annual audit at work, which he is responsible for. It ALWAYS goes well but he still ALWAYS gets super stressed about it beforehand. As usual, we passed with flying colors, so I surprised him with crayfish for dinner. I didn't get many, expecting that Jamie wouldn't be interested, but the little bugger loved 'em and The Swede and I spent most of the meal opening extracting meat for him. 
The Swede had a fishing-club-related event on Saturday morning, so Jambo and I lazed around on the couch for most of the morning, then rode our bikes to a nearby school. We played on the playground and built an airplane that he'd gotten for his birthday and flew it over the football field. When we got hungry, we biked home and I taught him how to use the stove and make heat up packaged meatballs. Then The Swede got home and sent me to the mall for some Mara time. I got a gigantic Starbucks latte and walked around for hours but came home empty-handed, which is probably a good thing.
Sunday was very low-key, with laundry and grocery shopping and a quick, impromptu walk around a nearby farm on the way home to check out the chickens and bunnies and horses. But yesterday we had a little excitement when our community blew up a giant movie screen in the middle of the town square and showed Mama Mia. The Swede wasn't feeling well, but Jamie and I joined Mama and Papa Swede and a bunch of family friends at a restaurant for dinner beforehand and had a great time. Unfortunately, it was way too light to see what was projected on the screen, even after they delayed the start time by an hour hoping the sun would go down enough. Jamie was so tired and bored by the time that it got going that we didn't even make it through the opening credits before heading home. Still fun to mix it up on a Monday night, though!

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