
Monday, August 15, 2016

Routine With A Side Of Party

I suppose it shows that we're back into our routine, because I don't have a thing to tell you about. I wake up, walk, get ready for work, wake Jambo, take him to school, work, then dinner, get ready for the next day, and bedtime. Most of those items are actually really enjoyable, but also wildly uninteresting. I supposed I could tell you about how we left Jamie with Mama and Papa Swede on Saturday afternoon so that we could go to The Swede's buddy Patrik's fortieth birthday party. I hadn't seen most of these guys in years and there were a lot of friendly new people too. We were out until two in the morning and got to sleep in till eleven, which for me is a huge success. But that's the most excitement we've seen in awhile. We have a lot to look forward to this fall, but for now it's mostly same ol' same ol'. Hang in there!

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