
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Goal: Reached

I don't want to say that I was single-handedly responsible; I suppose social media played a part. But Halloween is HUGE now in Sweden. There's a lot of confusion about when it falls, but otherwise they're starting to get a hang of it. In fact, Jamie was invited to a classmate's house for a party today and it was impeccable. The place was decorated to the nines and the kid's mom made some seriously amazing cakes and cookies. One thing I noticed (and prayed Jamie didn't) was that all of the other kids were wearing scary costumes like vampires and skeletons while he was a Charizard Pokémon (painstaking and costly costume courtesy of Mama Swede and me), so that's a big difference from the American tradition. After the party, all hopped up on sugar, we decided that we may as well trick-or-treat this evening since our neighborhood Facebook group hasn't been able to agree on when it should happen. So after dark we headed out with Axel and his cousin and their moms and hit up their classmates' houses and got quite a load of candy. Tomorrow morning I'm going to Jimmy Kimmel him and I CAN'T WAIT. 

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