
Monday, November 14, 2016

One For The Books

Oh, you guys. The Swede and I just enjoyed a weekend at our favorite hotel in Dalarna and I cannot even tell you how amazing it was. But I'll try. 
We dropped Jambo off with Mama and Papa Swede and cousin Anne and took the afternoon off of work on Friday so that we would arrive before it got dark (it's about a three-hour drive and the sun is setting before three thirty these days). We checked in, threw our bags in our room, and headed to the spa. It was packed, but still amazing to just relax and go by our own schedule.
On Saturday morning, it was six degrees Fahrenheit but the sun was shining so we took a walk around Tällberg. It was the first time I'd ever seen it in winter, besides just passing through, and it took my breath away, just like it always does in the summertime. We spent the rest of the day at the spa, reading magazines and relaxing in the hot tubs and sauna. The Swede and his parents had booked a facial/full-body treatment/massage for my birthday and it was beyond words. I felt very spoiled.
The whole weekend had us both feeling spoiled, in fact. We ate really good food and held uninterrupted conversations and slept late and it was kind of one of the best things we've ever done. 
By Sunday morning we were really missing Jambo, though, so we hit the road earlier than we expected and surprised him. He hugged us so tight when he saw us that it just made the whole weekend that much better. I feel so lucky, my friends. So very, very lucky.

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