
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Pre-Christmas Weekend

This past weekend was an especially fun one. The Swede and I left work early on Friday afternoon so that we could get into the city in time to catch a bus out to a gallery in the archipelago. The Swede had gotten us tickets to a dinner theater about the history of the julbord, starring the folks who did last year's Julkalender program that I was so wild about. We had an amazing time; the show was wonderful and I learned a lot, but the julbord wasn't nearly as delicious as Mama Swede's.
On Saturday, The Swede was fishing so Jambo and I indulged in our ice-fishing-season tradition of going to the movies. We saw a cozy Swedish film about an old man and his cat at Christmastime. I fell asleep eight times. After we and The Swede got home, I was able to take a real nap, a necessity because my choir had our midnight Christmas concert on Saturday night. It was lovely and despite being the middle of the night and in a church out in the country, the pews were filled.
Then, on Sunday, Linda came over with the girls for our Fourth Annual Christmas Craft Day. This year we made pipe-cleaner candy canes with our names on them and tiny wooden angels. We also threw stuffed animals at each other. Guess which part Jamie liked best.

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